Ural Mathematical center UdSU осуществляет как научно-исследовательскую, так и образовательную деятельность, а также принимает участие в организации научных и образовательных мероприятий и подготовке научных изданий. Участие в реализации деятельности центра принимают следующие структурные подразделения и коллаборации:
Head of UMC UdSU
Mamaev Ivan Sergeevich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor
Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Head of the Scientific Educational Laboratory of Mobile Systems, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University (ISTU)
Professor at Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics at Udmurt State University
Director of the Institute of Computer Science
Senior Researcher of the Department of Mathematical Methods of Nonlinear Dynamics at Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS
Laboratory of Nonlinear Analysis and the Design of New Types of Vehicles
Kilin Alexander Alexandrovich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor
Professor of Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics at UdSU.
Head of Laboratory of Nonlinear Analysis and the Design of New Types of Vehicles at UdSU
Leading Researcher of the Department of Mathematical Methods of Nonlinear Dynamics at Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS
Ivanova Tatyana Borisovna
Ph.D. (Candidate of Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor
Associate professor at the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics at UdSU
Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Nonlinear Analysis and Design of New Types of Vehicles, UdSU
Vetchanin Evgeny Vladimirovich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor
Head of Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics at Udmurt State University
Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Nonlinear Analysis and Design of New Types of Vehicles, UdSU
Karavaev Yury Leonidovich
Doctor of Engeneering, Associate Professor
Professor of the Department "Mechanotronic Systems" at Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
Senior Researcher of the Department of Mathematical Methods of Nonlinear Dynamics at Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS
Bizyaev Ivan Alexeyevich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics
Chief Researcher at Laboratory of Nonlinear Analysis and the Design of New Types of Vehicles, Udmurt State University (UdSU)
Professor at the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics at UdSU, UdSU
Pivovarova Elena Nikolaevna
Ph.D. (Candidate of Physics and Mathematics)
Associate professor at the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics at UdSU
Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Nonlinear Analysis and Design of New Types of Vehicles, UdSU
Научный сотрудник отдела механики Математического института им. В.А. Стеклова РАН
Klekovkin Anton Vladimirovich
Ph.D. (Candidate of Engeneering)
Associate professor at the Department "Mechanotronic Systems" at Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
Researcher at Laboratory of Nonlinear Analysis and the Design of New Types of Vehicles, UdSU
Yefremov Kirill Sergeevich
Postgraduate Student at the Department of Mechatronic Systems, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
Teaching Master of category 2 at the Department of Mechatronic Systems, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
Junior Researcher at Laboratory of Nonlinear Analysis and the Design of New Types of Vehicles, UdSU
Shestakov Vyacheslav Alexandrovich
Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechatronic Systems, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
Software Engineer at the Department of Mechatronic Systems, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
Junior Researcher at Laboratory of Nonlinear Analysis and the Design of New Types of Vehicles, UdSU
Artemova Elizaveta Markovna
PhD Student Udmurt State University
Assistant Professor at the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics at UdSU
Research Assistant Laboratory of Nonlinear Analysis and the Design of New Types of Vehicles at UdSU
Bogatyrev Alexey V.
Junior Researcher at Laboratory of Nonlinear Analysis and the Design of New Types of Vehicles, Udmurt State University (UdSU)